Phones down at Fulmer.Please send all questions to Now hiring a part time Library assistant at the Fulmer branch in Sheridan Wyoming! Current job duties are to Welcome, greet and assist our patrons who come into the library, assist patrons on use of electronic card catalog, electronic databases, public computers and wifi, assist patrons with tablets, smart phones, eReaders to access the library’s digital collection of eBooks, and downloadable audiobooks. For a more in depth look at job duties and job requirements, please click here! This position is open until filled! Please send applications to Hiring at Sheridan Fulmer Library!
This story time is for children ages
0 – 3 and their caregivers. We read stories and engage in sensory play. This is a great opportunity to socialize. Siblings are welcome, too!
This story time is for kids 2- 5 and their caregivers. We share stories, finger plays, and a craft intended to help your child develop a love of libraries and books. Siblings are welcome, too!